Meeting: September 22, 2009

Table of Contents


Minutes of the Meeting


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  1. Calgary Public Library Visit

    1. Sept. 30

    2. Need posters, advertising,

    3. Add to CLA website

    4. Sharon posted on FIMS Calendar and Grad Bulletin

  1. CLA President’s Visit

    1. Vote on fee

    2. Room booking

    3. How many packages do we need?

  1. Library Tours

    1. Chou to update

  1. Mentorship Update

  1. Networking Event

  1. Speakers

    1. Monica to update

    2. Any ideas for possible speakers

  1. Fundraising

    1. Jessica has an idea for all three groups

    2. Discussion

    3. People to sell buttons on Wednesday – Jocelyn, Yimin

  1. Advocacy

  1. New ideas or items to discuss????

Minutes of the Meeting

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1. Calgary Public Library Visit – it was decided that Deborah should recommend 30-40 folders for students

a. Wednesday Sept. 30

b. Need posters, advertising, - Natalie will make posters and Deborah will send an email, will tell students to bring resumes

c. Add to CLA website – Drew will add to website

d. Sharon posted on FIMS Calendar and Grad Bulletin

2. CLA President’s Visit

a. Vote on fee – Chou proposed no charge and there was a unanimous vote to provide coffee/tea and cookies for free

b. Room booking – still do not have a room booked or date set

c. How many packages do we need? – will hold off until have room booked

- Megan to organize RSVP so have an estimate for number of students

- Megan to price coffee from Tim Hortons and cookies/muffins from Loblaws and the Grad Club

3. Library Tours

a. Chou to update – three library tours are booked, waiting for reply from law library:

1. Tuesday November 24th at 12:15 University Hospital Medical Library

2. Tuesday December 1st at 12:15 Masonville Public Library

3. Monday December 7th Archives tour

4. Mentorship Update – looking for children’s public mentors

- Rebecca to organize a social to meet/mingle at the Grad Club

5. Networking Event – Yimin and Erin working on booking the Masonville Library

6. Speakers

a. Monica to update – contacted Sam Coughlin and will confirm the agreed date of Thursday October 29th at 4:30pm

b. Any ideas for possible speakers – it was decided that one speaker would be enough for this term because of the many other events we will be having

7. Fundraising

a. Jessica has an idea for all three groups – Jessica suggested tote bags

b. Discussion – Jessica will have more information so can be further discussed at next meeting

c. People to sell buttons on Wednesday – Jocelyn, Yimin

8. Advocacy – Gary has looked into “Freedom to Read” week to be held in February

9. New ideas or items to discuss????

- Jessica and Chou working on the job fair, have meeting with Sharon

- Job fair to be held in February before co-op interviews start and Jessica is trying to book the Atrium for a Saturday

- Sign up for an account from FIMS link for discussion board, the three ongoing discussions are a general discussion, ideas for advocacy and the president’s visit


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