Table of Contents
Minutes of the Meeting
- CLA President’s Visit
- Doris to update
- Discuss charging a fee
- Library Tours
- Chou to update
- Posters
- Mentorship
- Jessica to update
- Networking
- Erin & Yimen to update
- Calgary Public Library Job Fair
- Speakers
- Possible speaker – Sam Coghlin
- Fundraising
- September Event
- Advocacy
- Any ideas
- 1st term rep
Minutes of the Meeting
1. Gary gave an advocacy talk about Freedom to Read week (end of February)
-put up a poster and display in GRC
-LWB will be doing something as well
-Possible the two groups can work together (maybe a speaker)
2. Mentorship
-going well (professional)
-peer mentorship (off the ground)
3. Elizabeth Yates
-Music library interested
-contacted law library (not heard back)
Landon branch (LPL)
Finalizing the tours
4. Leighanne and Danielle
-working with LPL for availability of rooms for the networking event
-speakers (professors or people involved in professional mentoring)
5. Ben
Budget update –bank transfers to Chau
$500 + in the account
$44.45 for the pizza event (cheque)
6. Chau
-career development day (Ulee Stricker)
-March 20th (Saturday)
-LIs will be able to fund most of the event (Gloria Leckie)
-sell tickets in advance (plan for numbers)
$5 for CLA members
$5 for non members
Chau –will check on the room
Social event –Tuesday at the Grad club 4:30pm (Feb 2nd)
7. Lola Wong
-set up a google doc
IFLA-event to be hosted at FIMS
8. Fundraising
-Bake sale, Buttons, bookbags,
-Suggested that we use a wiki page to update CLA
-donations and having a raffle
-St. Patrick’s day suggested as a theme
Valentine’s day basket-buy the basket-Cancelled