Table of Contents
Minutes of the Meeting
Advocacy Update
Petition letter sent
CLA members to circulate petition
Sam Coghlin Visit
Job Fair Update
Chau to update – letter
Mentorship Update
Buttons – Sarah
Discuss Calendars
Ticket Sale Sign-up
CLA President Visit
Megan – Food
1. Advocacy Update
a. Petition letter sent
b. CLA members to circulate petition
- Discussed what comments Deborah should give The Gazette, will ask students to email the president
- Chou will fill in for Deb as CLA contact during Research Week if Librarians strike
2. Sam Coghlin Visit
a. Update – Thursday at 4:30
- Monica posters and email
- Deborah will get gift
3. Job Fair Update
a. Chau to update – letter
b. Bill – will follow up
4. Mentorship Update
5. Fundraising
a. Buttons – Sarah – will hold of sale until after send candy
b. Discuss Calendars – voted not to sell Calendars
- Chou suggested an ‘e-store” to sell things from all three student groups, but the feasibility was discussed
6. Networking
a. Ticket Sale Sign-up
- November 9th – Sarah
- November 10th – Andre
b. Erin will make bookmarks with info about the event
c. First term reps were asked to announce ticket sales
7. CLA President Visit
a. Megan – Food
b. Email