Meeting: February 9, 2010
Minutes of the Meeting
1. Advocacy (Gary)
2. Networking Event (Danielle/Leigh-Ann)
3. Fundraising
- Buttons (Heather)-? Talked to Sarah (LWB) about how to re-order
- Coffee Mugs (Danielle)-? Cost
- Valentine’s Day (Monica)
- St.Patrick’s Day(Danielle)
4.Library Tours (Elizabeth)
Music Library-Feb. 8
5. Career Development Day (Chau)
-cost of food/price of tickets
6. Government Librarianship Speaker (Chau)
-do we want to invite Cabot Yu to speak re: how to get your foot in the door with government jobs (40 min session)?
7. Mentorship (Chelsea/Thea)
-we talked about directing mentors-mentees to discuss the nature of the relationship/expectations/roles & how to get started & how to close the relationship
Q. Any other questions?
8. Webmaster (Lola)
Meeting: January 25, 2010
Minutes of the Meeting
- Advocacy Update
- Networking Update
- Library Tours Update
- Web Update
- Money Update (Treasurer)
- Intergroup Liaison Update
- Career Development Update
- CLA President Visit Update
- CLA Social
- Fundraising Ideas?
- Other
Meeting: January 12, 2010
Minutes of the Meeting |
CLA Executive
- Chair-Chau Ha
- Vice-chair-Monica Rhee
- Secretary-Jennifer Patrick
- Treasurer-Ben Keefe (Ben I will give you the budget binder at next meeting!)
- Webmaster-Lola Wong & Alice Xue Wen
- Advocacy Chair-Gary Collins
- Events (library coordinator)-Elizabeth Yates
- Peer & Professional Mentor-Chelsey Eaton & Thea Kerr
- Intergroup Liaison-Monica Rhee
Positions Still Open:
- Survey Coordinator-
- Network Event (2-3 people)-
- CLA President Visit Event (2-3 people)-
- Fundraising Coordinator-
Agenda for next Meeting: Tues Jan 19, 2010
1. Debrief last meeting’s atmosphere.
2. Event planning for the year (place & time)
- Library Tours
- Networking Events
- Mentorship Program
- CLA President Visit
- Fundraising Events
3. CLA Social
- place & time
- should it be monthly?
4. Career Development Day
*For those who can’t come, please email me your ideas so I can share with the rest of the group.
Meeting: January 26, 2010
Table of Contents
Minutes of the Meeting
- CLA President’s Visit
- Doris to update
- Discuss charging a fee
- Library Tours
- Chou to update
- Posters
- Mentorship
- Jessica to update
- Networking
- Erin & Yimen to update
- Calgary Public Library Job Fair
- Speakers
- Possible speaker – Sam Coghlin
- Fundraising
- September Event
- Advocacy
- Any ideas
- 1st term rep
Minutes of the Meeting
1. Gary gave an advocacy talk about Freedom to Read week (end of February)
-put up a poster and display in GRC
-LWB will be doing something as well
-Possible the two groups can work together (maybe a speaker)
2. Mentorship
-going well (professional)
-peer mentorship (off the ground)
3. Elizabeth Yates
-Music library interested
-contacted law library (not heard back)
Landon branch (LPL)
Finalizing the tours
4. Leighanne and Danielle
-working with LPL for availability of rooms for the networking event
-speakers (professors or people involved in professional mentoring)
5. Ben
Budget update –bank transfers to Chau
$500 + in the account
$44.45 for the pizza event (cheque)
6. Chau
-career development day (Ulee Stricker)
-March 20th (Saturday)
-LIs will be able to fund most of the event (Gloria Leckie)
-sell tickets in advance (plan for numbers)
$5 for CLA members
$5 for non members
Chau –will check on the room
Social event –Tuesday at the Grad club 4:30pm (Feb 2nd)
7. Lola Wong
-set up a google doc
IFLA-event to be hosted at FIMS
8. Fundraising
-Bake sale, Buttons, bookbags,
-Suggested that we use a wiki page to update CLA
-donations and having a raffle
-St. Patrick’s day suggested as a theme
Valentine’s day basket-buy the basket-Cancelled
Meeting: November 10, 2009
Table of Contents
Agenda | Download PDF |
Could everyone who took a petition to class to get signatures please bring them to the meeting.
Networking Event
Help needed??
Librarian and Archivist Support Letter
Discussion about petition signatures
Button sales
Sign up to sell buttons and tickets
President’s Visit
Ticket Sales
Job Fair Update
Chau to update
Vice-Presidents to chair next meeting??
Minutes of the Meeting |
Meeting: October 27, 2009
Table of Contents
Agenda | Download PDF |
Advocacy Update
Petition letter sent
CLA members to circulate petition
Sam Coghlin Visit
Job Fair Update
Chau to update – letter
Mentorship Update
Buttons – Sarah
Discuss Calendars
Ticket Sale Sign-up
CLA President Visit
Megan – Food
Minutes of the Meeting | Download PDF |
Meeting: October 20, 2009
Table of Contents
Agenda | Download PDF |
Advocacy Update
Petition letter finalized
Western News and Gazette submission – open letter to University Board of Governors and President
Media Studies support
Job Fair Update
LIS Online Career Fair
President visit ticket sales – thanks to those who sold tickets last week.
Mentorship Update
Meet and Greet
Networking Update
Sign up for ticket sales Mon-Jessica/Tues-Drew/Wed-Natalie/Thur-Monica/Fri-Deb
Halloween Candy
Minutes of the Meeting | Download PDF |
CLA Meeting Minutes for October 20
Secretary absent again-Monica filled in
Bill left at 12:30
CLA Letter of Support for Librarian Strike
Gary read through the final draft
We planned to get people to sign while selling tickets-but not in (or not in front?) of the GRC-conflict of interest with Melanie Mills
Deborah-will make up extra sheets
Plan to take the letter to classes, get people to sign
Melanie Mills suggested we contact with Media studies and see if they’re interested in becoming involved and offering support
Everyone showed favour in getting media studies support and involved
Monica will drop off a copy of the letter at the Gazette
Gary will submit a copy to Western News, LFP
Job Fair Update
No update from Bill or Chau
Chau-will send out a draft to possible employers for the event
Decide to talk next meeting
We need to send out an email to the student group about networking
CLA Visit
Sold about 5 tickets
Mentorship Update
6-12 pairs showed up at the meet and greet
Buttons should be here next week-plan to sell them after Reading week
Candy sales-begin on the 29th-30th of Oct.
Buttons will not be sold with Candy grams as they may hurt Candy gram sales
LWB Calendar-we proposed to buy it for $15 and sell for $20, making $5 dollar profit for CLA, as well as LWB
Meeting: October 13, 2009
Table of Contents
Agenda | Download PDF |
Advocay – Chau to update
Petition to support Librarians
Draft letter
Job Fair Update
Chau to update
Bill – foyer booking
Tables and prices
President’s Visit
Ticket sales for Wed/Thur/Fri – sign-up
Reminder about commitment
Mentorship Update
Networking Update
Penpal Update - Melissa
Minutes of the Meeting | Download PDF |
CLA Meeting Minutes for October 13
Secretary absent-Monica filled in
Chau-left at 12:30 for work
Librarian Strike
Discussed the reasons for the strike: low wages, work value
CAUT-41 university libraries, Western ranked 39th, out of 49. Librarians are paid $65 000 a year-Western librarians are paid $15 000 below that average
Issues with economic climate: young age of staff, tend to move on and leave as they have no economic incentive to stay
Gary presented a letter-we planned to edit, copy it and obtain signatures
President’s Visits
We scheduled people to sell tickets for the visit
Penpal Program
Melissa took care of the program
Buttons-Sarah confirmed designs
Candy Grams-confirmed
Job Fair
Chau spoke to Gloria Leckie
We need to find out if there’s employer interest first
Bill-proposed that Chau draft a letter to send out to ALA and CLA public library list serve asking if there’s interest to hold a job fair, if the time’s right (for Feb)
Meeting: October 6, 2009
Table of Contents
Agenda | Download PDF |
Calgary Public Library Update
CLA President Visit
Megan will give us a price
Monica will update
Room booking
Fundraising Update
Sara – Buttons and Halloween candy
Jessica – Bags
Mentorship Update
Melissa & Chelsey
Networking Update
Advocacy Update
Possible poster for banned book week or email
Job Fair
Chau and Jessica to update
Minutes of the Meeting | Download PDF |
Calgary Public Library Update
Went really well
22 students, lots of interest in co-op positions
Let her know about job fair/will come again
CLA President’s Visit
Megan will give us a price
Decided on $5/ticket
Deborah will make tickets
Speaker Series
Monica will update– Monica will check if January will work for Elizabeth
The 22nd is a possible date
Booking room
Room 293 for Sam
Deborah will ask Natalie to make posters
Sara – Buttons and Halloween candy
60 buttons sold on Wednesday
Order new
Deborah will sell 12-1 tomorrow
Sarah/Laura 12-1 Thursday
Mentorship Update
Melissa and Chelsey
Looking for two more mentees
Will send matches out by email
Meet and greet Tuesday 4:30 – 6:30 October 13th
Networking Update
Confirmed school librarian, LPL community outreach, AARC Special Librarian (unless on strike)
Advocacy Update
Possible poster for banned book week or email
Was last week
Freedom to read in February – display in GRC, Gary will talk to Melanie
Job Fair
Chau and Jessica to update
Meeting Gloria next week
Dean has to approve booking, might be a charge
Budget Update – Lara –
Communications Position
New representative – Natalie
Chau suggest an open letter to the President of the University to support librarians on strike issue
Discussed creating a petition for students to sign
Possibly have published in newspaper
Penpal Program
Melissa offered to organize
Meeting: September 29, 2009
Table of Contents
Agenda | Download PDF |
CLA President’s Visit
Confirmed date – November 20, 12:00 – 1:30 NCB Room 285
Coffee and cookies??
Calgary Public Library
Reminder that tomorrow is the day
E-mail and posters
Speaker Series
Update from Monica
Update from Jessica on tote bags
Mentorship Update - Melissa
Meet and greet
Networking Update - Yimin
Room booked
Library Tour Update – Chau
Advocacy Update
Job Fair – Jessica
Budget Update – Lara
Communications Position
New representative - Natalie
Minutes of the Meeting | Download PDF |
CLA President’s Visit
Confirmed date – November 20, 12:00 – 1:30 NCB Room 285
Coffee and cookies – voted to sell tickets for $5 and provide sandwiches, cookies, pop, fruit and veggies platter from Loblaws
Megan to price for 50 people
Calgary Public Library
Reminder that tomorrow is the day
E-mail and posters – Natalie put up posters and Deborah will send reminder email today
Jessica suggested a sign should be on the door and Deborah agreed to make one
Deborah will check with Matt (IT) or Davy/Wendy (Journalism) about borrowing a TV and DVD player
Speaker Series
Update from Monica – Sam Coughlin is confirmed for October 29th @ 4:30
Monica will ask if visiting prof from University of Toronto will come October 22nd either noon or 4:30
Thank you gifts?
Update from Jessica on tote bags – Jessica provided prices for plastic bags with logos, but the consensus was that members would prefer selling cloth bags as a fundraiser. Jessica will do more research
Mentorship Update - Melissa
Meet and greet – Melissa not present, will have update next week
Networking Update - Yimin
Room booked – Masonville Public Library room booked for November 11th 6pm-9pm. (Event will be 6:30-8:30)
Possible guests include a school librarian, the CEO of Brantford Public Library, a special collections librarian, someone from LPL, a library vendor and a medical librarian
Tickets $5
Will have sandwiches, door prizes, thank you gift for guests
Library Tour Update – the three tours are all that will be booked this term
Advocacy Update – Gary has requested a “Freedom to Read Week” package and will have more info when it arrives
Will also look into Banned Books Week
Job Fair – Jessica – Still working on booking the atrium which will have 6 tables for free and looking into pricing for getting more tables
Chou meeting with Gloria Leckie about possible vendors
Budget Update – Lara – made $28 from button sales
Will have more button sales: Wednesday Sarah and Heather 12-1pm, Thursday Doris 11-12 and Deborah 12-1
Natalie will send email
Sarah will have list of new button designs for next meeting
Sarah suggested another fundraiser – Halloween Candy Sale on Thursday October 29th
Communications Position
New representative - Natalie
Meeting: September 22, 2009
Table of Contents
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Calgary Public Library Visit
Sept. 30
Need posters, advertising,
Add to CLA website
Sharon posted on FIMS Calendar and Grad Bulletin
CLA President’s Visit
Vote on fee
Room booking
How many packages do we need?
Library Tours
Chou to update
Mentorship Update
Networking Event
Monica to update
Any ideas for possible speakers
Jessica has an idea for all three groups
People to sell buttons on Wednesday – Jocelyn, Yimin
New ideas or items to discuss????
Minutes of the Meeting
Download PDF
1. Calgary Public Library Visit – it was decided that Deborah should recommend 30-40 folders for students
a. Wednesday Sept. 30
b. Need posters, advertising, - Natalie will make posters and Deborah will send an email, will tell students to bring resumes
c. Add to CLA website – Drew will add to website
d. Sharon posted on FIMS Calendar and Grad Bulletin
2. CLA President’s Visit
a. Vote on fee – Chou proposed no charge and there was a unanimous vote to provide coffee/tea and cookies for free
b. Room booking – still do not have a room booked or date set
c. How many packages do we need? – will hold off until have room booked
- Megan to organize RSVP so have an estimate for number of students
- Megan to price coffee from Tim Hortons and cookies/muffins from Loblaws and the Grad Club
3. Library Tours
a. Chou to update – three library tours are booked, waiting for reply from law library:
1. Tuesday November 24th at 12:15 University Hospital Medical Library
2. Tuesday December 1st at 12:15 Masonville Public Library
3. Monday December 7th Archives tour
4. Mentorship Update – looking for children’s public mentors
- Rebecca to organize a social to meet/mingle at the Grad Club
5. Networking Event – Yimin and Erin working on booking the Masonville Library
6. Speakers
a. Monica to update – contacted Sam Coughlin and will confirm the agreed date of Thursday October 29th at 4:30pm
b. Any ideas for possible speakers – it was decided that one speaker would be enough for this term because of the many other events we will be having
7. Fundraising
a. Jessica has an idea for all three groups – Jessica suggested tote bags
b. Discussion – Jessica will have more information so can be further discussed at next meeting
c. People to sell buttons on Wednesday – Jocelyn, Yimin
8. Advocacy – Gary has looked into “Freedom to Read” week to be held in February
9. New ideas or items to discuss????
- Jessica and Chou working on the job fair, have meeting with Sharon
- Job fair to be held in February before co-op interviews start and Jessica is trying to book the Atrium for a Saturday
- Sign up for an account from FIMS link for discussion board, the three ongoing discussions are a general discussion, ideas for advocacy and the president’s visit
Table of Contents
Agenda | Download PDF |
Calgary Public Library Visit
Sept. 30
Need posters, advertising,
Add to CLA website
Sharon posted on FIMS Calendar and Grad Bulletin
CLA President’s Visit
Vote on fee
Room booking
How many packages do we need?
Library Tours
Chou to update
Mentorship Update
Networking Event
Monica to update
Any ideas for possible speakers
Jessica has an idea for all three groups
People to sell buttons on Wednesday – Jocelyn, Yimin
New ideas or items to discuss????
Minutes of the Meeting | Download PDF |
1. Calgary Public Library Visit – it was decided that Deborah should recommend 30-40 folders for students
a. Wednesday Sept. 30
b. Need posters, advertising, - Natalie will make posters and Deborah will send an email, will tell students to bring resumes
c. Add to CLA website – Drew will add to website
d. Sharon posted on FIMS Calendar and Grad Bulletin
2. CLA President’s Visit
a. Vote on fee – Chou proposed no charge and there was a unanimous vote to provide coffee/tea and cookies for free
b. Room booking – still do not have a room booked or date set
c. How many packages do we need? – will hold off until have room booked
- Megan to organize RSVP so have an estimate for number of students
- Megan to price coffee from Tim Hortons and cookies/muffins from Loblaws and the Grad Club
3. Library Tours
a. Chou to update – three library tours are booked, waiting for reply from law library:
1. Tuesday November 24th at 12:15 University Hospital Medical Library
2. Tuesday December 1st at 12:15 Masonville Public Library
3. Monday December 7th Archives tour
4. Mentorship Update – looking for children’s public mentors
- Rebecca to organize a social to meet/mingle at the Grad Club
5. Networking Event – Yimin and Erin working on booking the Masonville Library
6. Speakers
a. Monica to update – contacted Sam Coughlin and will confirm the agreed date of Thursday October 29th at 4:30pm
b. Any ideas for possible speakers – it was decided that one speaker would be enough for this term because of the many other events we will be having
7. Fundraising
a. Jessica has an idea for all three groups – Jessica suggested tote bags
b. Discussion – Jessica will have more information so can be further discussed at next meeting
c. People to sell buttons on Wednesday – Jocelyn, Yimin
8. Advocacy – Gary has looked into “Freedom to Read” week to be held in February
9. New ideas or items to discuss????
- Jessica and Chou working on the job fair, have meeting with Sharon
- Job fair to be held in February before co-op interviews start and Jessica is trying to book the Atrium for a Saturday
- Sign up for an account from FIMS link for discussion board, the three ongoing discussions are a general discussion, ideas for advocacy and the president’s visit
Welcome to the University of Western Ontario (UWO) Canadian Library Association (CLA) Student Chapter website!
The UWO CLA Student Chapter strives to create opportunities for professional development by hosting guest speakers, networking events, and library tours, organizing peer and professional mentorship programs, encouraging leadership and adding some fun with social events.
Enthusiastic new members are always welcome at our weekly meetings.
Please be sure to check back often for information on events, guest speakers, fundraisers, and more.
Quick Links
Blog Archive
- Welcome to the new UWO-CLA student chapter website!
- Meeting: February 9, 2010
- Meeting: January 25, 2010
- Meeting: January 12, 2010
- Meeting: January 26, 2010
- Meeting: November 10, 2009
- Meeting: October 27, 2009
- Meeting: October 20, 2009
- Meeting: October 13, 2009
- Meeting: October 6, 2009
- Meeting: September 29, 2009
- Meeting: September 22, 2009
- Meeting: September 15, 2009