The UWO-CLA blog regularly publishes writings of its student members in order to allow our them to express their thoughts and opinions on issues in library and information science. These writings are not meant to represent the views of the UWO-CLA itself or the greater CLA organisation. Your comments and questions are encouraged on this blog. If you wish to contact the UWO-CLA directly please email
There is a spectrum of reasons why you may be here for this degree at Western. Some of you may have known way back when that being a librarian was in your blood; that this was your calling. Some of you may have been mentored or inspired to be a librarian because of the local librarian, or a family member or friend. Some of you are here because this is a stepping stone to something else, whatever that something else may be. Some of you do not have any idea why you here: it could be that you’re here to avoid the job market and you want to stay in the cocoon of school. Some of you are here for professional development. For whatever reason you’re here, I think I can assume that for many of you, you’re here to get this degree to get a job.
Why am I here? Well, let’s back it up a little to 2002. When I finished my undergrad BA in the summer, it hit me like an elephant on my back- I needed a job. I had rent, student loans and other various bills to pay. With a Bachelor of Arts, what does one do? In my case, I fell into library work. It was never my dream or calling to be a librarian. I wasn't mentored or inspired to be a librarian; I just fell into this gig. Next thing I knew, I was ten years older in the same job without any other way to advance without an MLIS.
Originally I told myself that this MLIS was a professional development. And in many ways, it still is. I needed this degree to help me find another professional direction. I needed this degree to help advance me into “something else”, whatever that something else might be. Then a funny thing happened: I started this second term with my original intent still firmly in place, but then I had a class that made me really think about why I am here, and here’s the kicker- I still don’t know. I don’t why I am here, personally. I’m still searching. When I figure something out, maybe I’ll tell you.
My point to all this rambling is to provoke you to examine and question yourself while you are here for however long that it is you are here. Why are you here? Yes, yes, you’re here to get your MLIS and get a job. But that’s too easy. You will get a job. Some of you will get the job of your dreams and some of you will end up changing jobs over and over again. And that’s ok. But whatever you end up doing with your MLIS, also ask yourself this: what does this MLIS really mean to you?
Does this all matter? What does this have to do with you getting a job? Who cares? Yes, everything and you. It matters because knowing why you are doing this MLIS means you will find a more fulfilling job and/or (hopeful) a career. It matters because you’ll find a job that you won’t dread going into work every day. When your personal life intersects with your professional life, you’ll know what your life priorities are. When you have to decide between personal or professional options, you’ll make a better decision and you’ll know why you made the decision that you made: That has a lot to do with getting a job. You should care. If you don’t, nothing else matters. Don’t just fall into whatever job that comes your way because that’s what the MLIS qualifies you to do. Think about how it will affect and influence you. Think about what you really want to do. Think about you.
--Amy Wong