Meeting Minutes: Jan 18, 2011

 Minutes:  Jan. 18, 2011
1- Introduction of CLA.
2- Faculty Advisor = Bill Irwin
3- Open positions for executive members
4-What we hope to accomplish this term
·         CV Writing Workshop with Jim Brett on Tues February 17, 2010.
·         Mock Interviews with Jim Brett (hopefully both public and academic library fake job postings) waiting to here back from Jim
·         Networking event (like speed dating with library professionals)
Date confirmed for Tues. March 15 from 6-8pm in the Sifton room at Masonville Branch (London Public Library)
·         Mentorship Program (being run by Rhiannon Jessup; check your email for Rhiannon’s emails).
·         Guest speaker (still looking for ideas from members- example: recruitment officer)
·         Fundraising
*50/50 Tickets
*Bake sales (February date?)
*Raffles (looking for prize ideas and donations)
·         OLA Superconference
*Megan, Sarah B., Nicole P., & Peggy will be going on Thur. Feb 3, 2011
*Email Sarah Barriage. She is coordinating rides. Please email her if you can drive or if you need a ride.
·         CLA Service Project? Volunteer Opportunity?
*Any ideas? March Break event? Partnership with other student group?
·         Change Meeting dates to Thursdays from 12:15-1:15pm in NCB room 266.
·         Megan (chair) start making a How To CLA Manual for Chairs of the student chapter.
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