CV Writing Workshop Details

We will be holding a CV writing workshop for MLIS students, conducted by Jim Brett. This event will be taking place on February 17th from 12-1:30 pm in Middlesex College, room 15a. 

In order to attend, those interested must sign up in advance. The sign up sheet will be held outside of the GRC at 12:00-1:30 from Monday, January 30th to Friday, February 11th. Any inquiries can be made to Megan Ladelpha at

At the same time, you can purchase buttons for $1, and enter into a 50/50 draw for $1 at the sign-up booth. The 50/50 draw will take place on February 11th.

Hope to see you there!

Change in Meeting Time

Hello everyone!

From this point on, CLA meetings will be held on Thursdays, at 12:15 pm, in NCB 266. The next meeting will be on Thursday, January 27th.

See you there!

Meeting Minutes: Jan 18, 2011

 Minutes:  Jan. 18, 2011
1- Introduction of CLA.
2- Faculty Advisor = Bill Irwin
3- Open positions for executive members
4-What we hope to accomplish this term
·         CV Writing Workshop with Jim Brett on Tues February 17, 2010.
·         Mock Interviews with Jim Brett (hopefully both public and academic library fake job postings) waiting to here back from Jim
·         Networking event (like speed dating with library professionals)
Date confirmed for Tues. March 15 from 6-8pm in the Sifton room at Masonville Branch (London Public Library)
·         Mentorship Program (being run by Rhiannon Jessup; check your email for Rhiannon’s emails).
·         Guest speaker (still looking for ideas from members- example: recruitment officer)
·         Fundraising
*50/50 Tickets
*Bake sales (February date?)
*Raffles (looking for prize ideas and donations)
·         OLA Superconference
*Megan, Sarah B., Nicole P., & Peggy will be going on Thur. Feb 3, 2011
*Email Sarah Barriage. She is coordinating rides. Please email her if you can drive or if you need a ride.
·         CLA Service Project? Volunteer Opportunity?
*Any ideas? March Break event? Partnership with other student group?
·         Change Meeting dates to Thursdays from 12:15-1:15pm in NCB room 266.
·         Megan (chair) start making a How To CLA Manual for Chairs of the student chapter.
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